Why install a concrete sleeper wall?

18 Jan 2022

There are a number of reasons people choose to install a concrete sleeper wall, some for structural purposes and others for aesthetic purposes.

Retaining Purposes
The main purpose for installing a concrete sleeper wall is for retaining a part of your property. Retaining with concrete sleepers has become quite popular with new housing estates throughout Queensland. Ultimately, the concrete sleeper wall contains the loose soil on a lot and allows you to level the space (most likely your back or front yard) to add more functional and usable space.

Increase Aesthetic Appeal
Concrete sleepers are available in a range of textures, colours and sizes, so using them means you’re able to use them as a feature in the space and increase the overall aesthetic appeal.

Prevent Sinkholes
Sinkholes happen if mining activities once occurred on the property which is something you may or may not be aware of. By installing a concrete sleeper wall for retaining purposes it ensures soil bedding remains level and compressed at all times.

Reduced Risk of Flooding
If you live in Queensland you’ll know when it rains, it pours. When installing a concrete sleeper wall drainage is so important which then allows the rain to flow more efficiently rather than it just being absorbed into the soil if there was no retaining.

Concrete Sleepers Last
Concrete is a robust material. Of course there are other options available which can be perfect for some situations, but steel is always subject to rusting and timber is the perfect target for termites.